Redmond Airport (RDM)

The official code of RDM is assigned to Redmond Airport. Redmond Airport is officially known as Roberts Field Please find below GPS coordinates for Redmond Airport which may help you in your arrival or departure from the Airport. The Coordinates are 44.25000, -121.15000 which you can enter into your Smartphone or in-car GPS.

You can see below a selection of nonstop flights covered from Redmond Airport with approximate times.

DestinationWeekly FlightsDistance
Seattle (SEA)58366 Km (228 Miles)
San Francisco (SFO)22745 Km (463 Miles)
Los Angeles (LAX)151,170 Km (727 Miles)
Portland (PDX)15187 Km (116 Miles)
Phoenix (PHX)151,438 Km (893 Miles)
Denver (DEN)141,442 Km (896 Miles)
Salt Lake City (SLC)14844 Km (524 Miles)
San Diego (SAN)71,326 Km (824 Miles)
Santa Rosa Sonoma County (STS)2654 Km (406 Miles)
Burbank (BUR)21,143 Km (710 Miles)

Alaska Horizon, Virgin Atlantic and Delta Connection are the busiest airlines companies that fly from Redmond Airport and cover the majority of the destinations The busiest being Alaska Horizon which covers a total of 41 flights a week form a total of 384 Alaska Horizon covers 11 % of all the total outbound flights from Roberts Field Airport. Alaska Horizon offers flights from Redmond to the most popular destinations including Seattle-Tacoma International, San Francisco International, Los Angeles International and Portland International.

You can see below a selection of nonstop flights covered from Redmond Airport with approximate times

AirlinerDestinationFlight Time (Est)
Alaska HorizonSeattle (SEA)1 Hour 5 Minutes
Alaska HorizonSan Francisco (SFO)1 Hour 41 Minutes
Alaska HorizonLos Angeles (LAX)2 Hours 11 Minutes
Alaska HorizonPortland (PDX)33 Minutes

Most of the car rental companies at Redmond Airport offer a great range of vehicles at the best prices possible. Make your Redmond car hire reservation in advance to ensure that you receive your ideal vehicle. Please be sure to bring a valid driving license if you intend to hire a vehicle. It is wise before arriving at the Airport to have pre booked your Redmond car hire online with our Partner car trawler, for a no obligation quote please visit the link.

Visitor Information - Redmond Airport

Airport Information

Address, contact details, lost and found, location map etc...

Airport Name
Roberts Field
Time at Airport
Location Map
Map of RDM Airport
No. of monthly flights
No. of countries served
Popular Airlines at RDM
  • NetJets
  • Flexjet
  • Avelo Airlines
  • Alaska Horizon
  • United Airlines
Top Routes
  • Portland
  • Seattle
  • San Francisco
  • Salt Lake City
  • Las Vegas
  • Free Amendments
  • Free Cancellations
  • No Card Fees
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